Parent Tips for Raising a Reader

  • LowerElementary-DSC06961Try to select books about topics your child is interested in. By picking a book about a topic that matches their interest, they will see how fun reading can be.
  • Read books together. You can have your child read to you or take turns switching off reading aloud with them.
  • Get your child their own library card!
  • Become a model reader. Let your child see you reading. In discussion, point out things that you have learned from a book.
  • Create a reading spot in your own home. Pick a place that is away from distractions and provides a comfortable place to get lost in a book.
  • Cook a meal with your child using a children’s cookbook. Creating something from reading provides a fun and different experience.
  • Have a dictionary available in your home. When your child asks what a word means have them look it up.


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