Check out our Favorite Books for Children!

Check out these great titles! They’re all available at the library! Non-fiction Picture Books Beginning Readers Middle Grade Books   SHARE THIS:

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Dog Man Craft Activities (Traducción en Espaňol al Final)

Dog Man Hat

Dog Man Hat Supplies long blue strip small blue square 2 brown ears yellow badge yarn glue stick, liquid glue, or tape   Instructions Glue or tape the small blue square to the center of the long blue strip Glue the yellow badge onto the small blue square Attach one ear…

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Art Sculpture (Traducción al Espaňol al Final)

art sculpture

Create your own work of art with model magic clay, decorative materials, and your imagination!   Supplies modeling clay cardboard base pipe cleaner toothpick assorted decorations including: buttons, fabric, flowers/leaves, beads, straws, string, etc. glue or tape scissors   Instructions Open your clay and begin sculpting your work of art,…

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Easy letters and spelling activity

A fun new way to practice letters, spelling and reading. Take out your old dusty scrabble, upwords or similar board game and first word flashcards (or make your own). Place all the letter tiles face up Give your child one sight word, or simple word at a time, preferably with…

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Sun Print Craft

Check out our latest video instructions for doing Sun Prints!   Sun prints are available as part of our Grab and Go kit for the week of 6/22/2020. Want to find out about all the kits Kits are available for pickup the following days: Valencia Library 6/23/2020 from 2-5 pm…

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