Babies and Toddlers
Lower Elementary Kids
Upper Elementary Schoolers
Category: Babies and Toddlers
Paper Plate – Easy Dragon Puppet Craft (Traducción al Español al final)
At Home Bingo! – Children’s & Family Edition
Storytime Fingerplays!
Kitchen & Food Scrap Gardening (Traducción al Español al final)
Banana Nice-Cream (Traducción al Español al final)
ASL eBooks & Resources Traducción al Español al final
Make Rainbow Scratch Paper
This is one of the coolest simple crafts! Scratch the surface of your homemade paper and you will see a colorful masterpiece emerge. Supplies sturdy paper, white watercolor paper or cardstock work well crayons or oil pastels *black paint, acrylic, poster, or tempera dish soap paintbrush or foam brush…