Sun Print Craft

Check out our latest video instructions for doing Sun Prints!   Sun prints are available as part of our Grab and Go kit for the week of 6/22/2020. Want to find out about all the kits Kits are available for pickup the following days: Valencia Library 6/23/2020 from 2-5 pm…

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Paper Snakes Craft! Traducción al Español al Final

Paper Snakes The temperatures outside are rising, which means soon, we will start to see our slithering friends on trails, at local parks, and even in our own backyards. As the parent of a young child, now is a great time to start talking snakes and snake safety with your…

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Make Rainbow Scratch Paper

scratch rainbow tree

This is one of the coolest simple crafts! Scratch the surface of your homemade paper and you will see a colorful masterpiece emerge.   Supplies sturdy paper, white watercolor paper or cardstock work well crayons or oil pastels *black paint, acrylic, poster, or tempera dish soap paintbrush or foam brush…

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Make Papier-mâché Bowls (Traducción al Español al final)

papier-mache bowl

Learn how to make a simple paper bowl out of house-hold materials. This up-cycled craft is fun to do for all ages. Let your creativity shine!   Papier-mâché is the mixing of paper and a paste, often made of flour or glue, to create a form that will harden as…

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