Never Miss An Event @ Your Library!

 We often hear from families that they didn’t know about a special event until afterwards. When we post pictures of fun programs at our library locations on social media, they are sometimes followed with comments from our customers:

“I wish I had known about this!”

“How do I find out about events BEFORE they happen?”

“Was this promoted at all?”


We are a BUSY library! Everyday there are programs and activities for all age groups, from storytimes to teen art projects to computer classes! With so many events happening, it would be impossible to promote them all without completely spamming your newsfeed.


We have 3 branch locations, and average 50-60 programs A WEEK! That’s a lot to keep track of. But we never want you to miss a thing, especially the events you are most interested in.


Did you know that ALL of our events are listed on our events calendar? Every single program we offer can be viewed by visiting our website and clicking on “Events”. From there you are able to refine your search by location, age group, or event type.


You can also subscribe to be notified for future events! Say you are only interested in storytime events for toddlers- you can subscribe to be notified for ONLY those types of events.


FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a real thing and we want to help!


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