Babies and Toddlers
Lower Elementary Kids
Upper Elementary Schoolers
Tag: storytime
Free Resources for Families! Traducción al Español al Final
Do the days seem to be blurring together? Do the kids need something to do? Here is a list of things that are available for free to use at home! ABCMouse This one is subscription-based. BUT you can get a 30-day free trial It is for children ages 2-8 and…
American Sign Language Storytime at Canyon Country Library!
We are pleased to announce the continuation of ASL Storytime at Santa Clarita’s Canyon Country Library! Once a month the library will host a special storytime entirely in sign language. There will be stories, rhythm and movement activities, signing songs, visual felt stories, and dance games to delight and engage…
Reading Takes You Everywhere
With summer approaching, and the end of the school year almost here, The Santa Clarita Public Library gives parents no reasons to fear. How can kids stay sharp while out of school? Read at least 5 books and you’ll be totally cool. If you read 5 then when you…
Never Miss An Event @ Your Library!
We often hear from families that they didn’t know about a special event until afterwards. When we post pictures of fun programs at our library locations on social media, they are sometimes followed with comments from our customers: “I wish I had known about this!” “How do I find out…
Keep Cool During Summer
The temperatures are climbing as we head into the summer months! But with the heat comes some risk of heat related illnesses. Here are some tips on keeping cool during summer! The best way to keep cool and chill out over summer is to visit your…
30 Reasons To Love Your Library
The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating 30 years of cityhood! In celebration of this milestone, check out the 30 reasons why you should love your Santa Clarita Public Library! Use the library’s computers free of charge Check out the latest teen bestsellers and releases Get free templates and craft…
Storytime – Join the Fun.
Storytimes are being offered at your local branch of the Santa Clarita Library. These programs are full of delightful books, finger plays, songs and rhymes. Bring your children and your playful spirit as you join us for an entertaining storytime at your local library. The Santa Clarita Public Library offers…
3 Simple Ways To Get Art into Kids’ Lives @ SCPL
Art can be a powerful force of good in your child’s life. Regular exposure and positive hands-on experiences can not only lead to success at school, but also a stronger sense of confidence and empowerment through self expression. As your local library, we’re proud to offer lots of different opportunities…