Easy letters and spelling activity

A fun new way to practice letters, spelling and reading. Take out your old dusty scrabble, upwords or similar board game and first word flashcards (or make your own). Place all the letter tiles face up Give your child one sight word, or simple word at a time, preferably with…

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Give Me A Break activity and craft (Traducción al Español al Final)

Brain Break craft

Give Me A Break Is your child getting more screen time than they used to? Are they struggling to get work done on long stretches of online homework or getting wiggly during your third online meeting of the day? Give yourself and your child a break, a brain break. This…

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Virtual Field Trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific Traducción al Español al Final

Virtual Field Trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific Hi!  My name is Teacher Frizzy Hair – not to be confused with Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus.  However, I really do have Frizzy hair! And I do want you to take a field trip. I would love for…

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Free Resources for Families! Traducción al Español al Final

Do the days seem to be blurring together? Do the kids need something to do? Here is a list of things that are available for free to use at home! ABCMouse This one is subscription-based. BUT you can get a 30-day free trial It is for children ages 2-8 and…

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Never Miss An Event @ Your Library!

 We often hear from families that they didn’t know about a special event until afterwards. When we post pictures of fun programs at our library locations on social media, they are sometimes followed with comments from our customers: “I wish I had known about this!” “How do I find out…

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Smart Apps for Little Ones

Technology is all around us, and therefore always around our children too. Perhaps you’re guilty of handing off the iPad to your 4 year old so you can get the dishes done. Maybe you use your phone for entertainment if the kids are getting restless at a restaurant. Super long…

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30 Reasons To Love Your Library

The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating 30 years of cityhood! In celebration of this milestone, check out the 30 reasons why you should love your Santa Clarita Public Library! Use the library’s computers free of charge Check out the latest teen bestsellers and releases Get free templates and craft…

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All About AWE Computers

The AWE computers are one of the most popular features in the children’s section of the library. If your child is already a fan, this will come as no surprise. With a wide variety of games featuring fun storylines and familiar characters like Dora the Explorer, it’s easy to understand…

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