The History of Summer Reading

Summer reading programs began in the 1890s as a way to encourage school children, particularly those in urban areas and not needed for farm work, to read during their summer vacation, use the library and develop the habit of reading. Traditionally, summer reading programs are designed to encourage children to…

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February Is The Shortest Month Of The Year!

February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s PACKED with holidays, events, and anniversaries! February is Black History Month! And, this year we get to see the world’s top winter athletes compete in the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. February is Black History Month! The month of…

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eReading Room For Kids!

Visit our eReading Room, specially designed for kids!  Young readers can have a place of their own. Kids  can browse, sample, place holds and borrow eBooks and other media appropriate for their age range and reading level. Kids can spend as much time as they want clicking away and exploring without the…

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Fall into a good eBook!

The Autumn Equinox, or the first day of Fall, is Friday September 22nd.   Here are a few of our favorite things about Fall: Cooler weather The vibrant colors of red, orange and yellow on leaves as they fall Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING! Candy corn Warm fuzzy socks Warm comfort foods-…

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Back to School!

September means getting into the full swing of the new school year! Brush up on your reading skills with these books to celebrate everything in September!   September: Classical Music Month!   September is a month to celebrate classical music! But try not to wreak as much havoc as Pecorino!…

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30 Reasons To Love Your Library

The City of Santa Clarita is celebrating 30 years of cityhood! In celebration of this milestone, check out the 30 reasons why you should love your Santa Clarita Public Library! Use the library’s computers free of charge Check out the latest teen bestsellers and releases Get free templates and craft…

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