TumbleBook Recommendations Traducción al Español al final

Good Morning! You probably already know that the library has tons of good books in the building, you might not know that we have tons of good books you can get from home too! In a previous post I showed the two main ebook platforms for kids. Today, I’ll give…

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Free Resources for Families! Traducción al Español al Final

Do the days seem to be blurring together? Do the kids need something to do? Here is a list of things that are available for free to use at home! ABCMouse This one is subscription-based. BUT you can get a 30-day free trial It is for children ages 2-8 and…

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Sign Up for the In-n-Out Cover to Cover Club Today!

Did you know that if your child aged 4 – 12 reads five books before November 16th, 2019 that they can get a certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger from In-n-Out? All three branches of the Santa Clarita Public Library (Old Town Newhall Library, Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy…

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The History of Summer Reading

Summer reading programs began in the 1890s as a way to encourage school children, particularly those in urban areas and not needed for farm work, to read during their summer vacation, use the library and develop the habit of reading. Traditionally, summer reading programs are designed to encourage children to…

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Reading Takes You Everywhere

With summer approaching, and the end of the school year almost here, The Santa Clarita Public Library gives parents no reasons to fear. How can kids stay sharp while out of school? Read at least 5 books and you’ll be totally cool.   If you read 5 then when you…

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Hello, May!

Summer is right around the corner! They say that March winds, and April showers, bring forth May flowers! May also means that another school year is coming to a close! We hope you’ve all had a productive and enjoyable year!   May 1: May Day!   May Day dates back…

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Save The Frogs!

April 28th Is Save The Frogs Day! Frog populations have been declining worldwide at unprecedented rates, and nearly one-third of the world’s amphibian species are threatened with extinction. Up to 200 species have completely disappeared since 1980, which is not normal. Amphibians naturally go extinct at a rate of only…

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